Innovate Team

Carmen Vonken
Innovation Lead at UMIO/Innovate
Professor in Digital Innovation and Marketing and Scientific Director at UMIO/Innovate
Dominique Meyers
Innovation Coach & Trainer at UMIO/Innovate
Mikhael Akasha
Innovation Lead at UMIO/Innovate
Sabine Janssen
Director and Innovation Lead at UMIO/Innovate

Our Affiliate Partnerships

Meet Impact Experts

Extraordinary Professor in Strategy, Innovation and Change at UMIO | Maastricht University
Hans Kasper
Professor in Marketing and Supply Chain Management at Maastricht University
Harold Hassink
Director Executive Masters at UMIO
Jos Lemmink
Professor of Marketing and Service Innovation, Marketing and Supply Chain Management at Maastricht University
Kars Mennens
Postdoctoral Researcher in Supply Chain Management
Lisa Brüggen
Professor of Financial Services
Lorna James
Porject Leader Marketing & Supply Chain Management at Maastricht University
Nancy Bocken
Professor in Sustainable Business at the Maastricht Sustainability Institute (MSI)
Susan Stead
PhD Candidate in Marketing and Supply Chain Management at Maastricht University
Ton Geurts
Business Director at Brightlands Institute for Supply Chain Innovation

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