UMIO Lecturers and Experts

Lukas Figge

Lecturer Strategy & Entrepreneurship

Lukas is a Lecturer in Strategy & Entrepreneurship at the department of Organisation & Strategy.

In addition to teaching, he supervises theses on corporate sustainability, intrapreneurship and innovation. At UMIO, he works as an (internal) innovator and trainer to further develop the ‘Human Side of Business’ and Leadership Development in particular. His long-term vision is to develop a Mindfulness-based Coaching & Leadership Development Program (get in touch if you want to know more or want to get involved!).

In addition to academic degrees in Economics (BSc), Public Policy (MSc) and Sustainability Science & Policy (PhD) – all from UM, Lukas holds a qualification as Consciousness Coach and is a passionate mindfulness practitioner. Further, he is a passionate pilgrim who has been on the Camino de Santiago every year since 2013.

In the past he has been working as a social entrepreneur & trainer with rootAbility, empowering Sustainability Intrapreneurs at Universities across Europe. As a result of his PhD research he published various articles on the sustainability of globalization.

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