UMIO Lecturers and Experts

Martin Wetzels

Professor in Marketing and Supply Chain Research

Prof. Dr. Martin Wetzels is Full Professor in Marketing and Supply Chain Research in the Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management, School of Business and Economics, Maastricht University. He currently serves as Research Theme Leader for the Research Theme Data-Driven Decision Making (D3M) at the School of Business and Economics.

He obtained his PhD titled Service Quality in Customer-Employee Relationships: An Empirical Study in the After-Sales Services Context from Maastricht University in 1998. His PhD was awarded with the European Foundation of Quality Management (EFQM) Doctoral Thesis Award and “SNS bank-Limburgprijs” for Best Doctoral Thesis at Maastricht University (Rijksuniversiteit Limburg).

His research focuses on services marketing and management, marketing research and big data analytics, digital marketing (internet, mobile and social media), innovation management, relationship management and supply chain management.

He has published over 90 articles in leading international journals in the fields of marketing, innovation management and information systems, such as, MIS Quarterly, Journal of Marketing, Management Science, Journal of Operations Management, Journal of Consumer Research, Accounting, Organizations and Society, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Service Research, Long Range Planning, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Business Research, Psychology and Marketing, Marketing Letters, European Journal of Marketing, and International Journal of Research in Marketing.

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