How to be an Effective Leader

How to be an Effective Leader

As society becomes increasingly complex, so does the practice of being an effective leader. Although it’s no longer possible to know everything or keep operations under control, we somehow still believe this is what’s needed. In the latest episode of our podcast at the School of Business and Economics, Prof. Dr. Mariëlle Heijltjes, Executive Director of UMIO, debunks this myth with an insightful and empowering perspective.

Shifting ideas of leadership

The leadership dynamic has had to change to reflect the increasing complexities of the world we live in now. In the past, the traditional notion of leadership was more about command and control. The leader was seen as the hero, commanding direction from the top of the mountain. In more recent times, this dynamic has shifted to a more coaching, serving leadership style. It is no longer possible for one person to know everything. A leader needs to enable all the brains in their team to be as good as they can be. But then in crisis situations, as we have experienced during the recent pandemic, it can shift back to a more command and control dynamic, where people look to the leader for direction. The key is to understand that different situations require different leadership styles and dynamics.

Finding your ‘why’

Understanding who we are as humans, and asking what is our ‘why’, our purpose, is the anchor for all leader behaviour, according to Mariëlle. Yet, it seems that few people in leader roles ask this fundamental question. Enabling a more human centred approach in organisations is at the core of what Mariëlle hopes for in future leadership. Reflecting on the humanity within different situations, and asking what is the human thing to do here, whether it be in politics, business or our day-to-day lives, is how she defines her ‘why’.

Why does leadership matter?

Many people aspire to be leaders. But, rather than thinking about being a leader as a position, Mariëlle Heijltjes suggests it is more about an attitude you adopt. Whether this is within your team, your tutorial group or within your friendship group, “it pervades everything we do.” How effective you are in leading yourself is the starting point of the personal leadership dimension. In order to be a more effective leader and communicator, Mariëlle believes you need to ask yourself some basic questions about why you do what you do. The way you treat others and the ability to reflect on what your impact is going to be is a useful framework in many situations, and this, Mariëlle argues, should start as early as high school. The awareness of your own strengths and weaknesses and a willingness to be open-minded and to reflect on that, is the first step along the leadership development trajectory.

How can we become more self-aware?

There are some skills needed to develop a greater self-awareness. These can be learnt and developed. Mariëlle outlines three key skills:

  1. Engage in perspective taking. Acknowledge that there is not only one reality.
  2. Be open-minded. Don’t judge.
  3. Be aware of impact. Observe and don’t be afraid to change direction or make mistakes.

The idea of prototyping in Design Thinking follows these same principles. The practice of taking small steps and observing the impact along the way can help to move us in the right direction. However, for many traditional leaders, this does not come naturally and can make people feel vulnerable. Mariëlle argues that this is sometimes a process of unlearning; a re-training ourselves to not fall into the trap of thinking “I know everything because I am the leader”.

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