Tipping Point for Digitalisation in Procurement and SCM?

Tipping Point for Digitalisation in Procurement and SCM?

The COVID-19 crisis has made it very clear that professional buyers and supply chain managers (SCM) are important for our economy. Leaders such as Merkel (Germany) and Rutte (The Netherlands) spoke openly about the importance of well-coordinated professional purchasing for obtaining the necessary personal protection equipment (PPE) such as face masks for health care workers. Various CEOs indicated that their companies have only made it through the COVID-19 crisis thanks to the decisive action of their Procurement and SCM departments. In short, the spotlight is on Procurement and SCM. COVID-19 has been a wake-up call for many companies. How do we actually deal with risks in our supply chains? Have we not become too dependent on suppliers in China? Is large-scale outsourcing and working with global supply chains still sustainable?

Various industry experts argue that COVID-19 puts us at a ‘tipping point’ with regard to digitalisation of Procurement and SCM. Recently, Frank Rozemeijer facilitated a NEVI webinar on this topic. A large number of the 65 participants (most of them purchasing managers) agreed with the statement that COVID-19 will accelerate the digitalisation of Procurement. Now is the time to push forward, reinvent and digitalise Procurement! The most promising digital technologies for Procurement and SCM, according to the participants, are currently: 1) Big data analytics, 2) Artificial intelligence (AI), 3) Robotic Process Automation (RPA), 4) Predictive analytics, 5) Digitally connected Supply Chains and 6) Blockchain. Subsequently, if the decision was theirs, they would reserve more than 80% of their IT budget for the next 3-5 years to invest in Big Data analytics, AI and RPA.

Work in progress

What can we say about the current state of affairs with regard to Digitalisation of Procurement in The Netherlands? On a 5-point maturity scale for digital Procurement, as developed by the German WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management, the participants of Frank Rozemeijer’s webinar scored an average of 2.4. That is exactly between phase 2 ‘Digital newcomer’ and phase 3 ‘Developing learner’. So, there is still a lot of work to do before we can call ourselves Digital champions (phase 5). However, we are not lagging behind the rest of Europe. Research from SAP and the University of Mannheim concluded in 2019 that although the adoption of mature digital technologies (such as EDI, Cloud solutions, Collaboration tools, eProcurement, eAuctions, eCatalogues) within Procurement and SCM is going reasonably well, the adoption of the latest digital technologies (such as Blockchain, Virtual / Augmented reality, Chatbots, AI and RPA) is still very poor.

It will take some serious resources and efforts to bring digitalisation beyond the tipping point. For this, it is important to see digitalisation as much more than just the automation of operational Procurement activities and take a more holistic supply chain view. We must stop thinking in terms of what is not possible or allowed at this moment, it’s much more important to look creatively at what is (or could be) possible. Why not engage your key supply chain stakeholders and brainstorm together about how digital technology can be applied in a way that benefits all?

2020 as the tipping point?

Digitalisation is not a threat, but a great opportunity for both Procurement and Supply Chain Management. With the right digital support, it will not be long before it becomes possible for professional buyers to make the best strategic sourcing decisions in real time, no matter how volatile, uncertain and complex the supply markets and supply chains are. So, take action and explore what the latest digital technology such as AI, Chatbots and Augmented reality can potentially contribute to your organisation or supply chain. Based upon sound research, the Brightlands Institute for Supply Chain Innovation (BISCI) is ready and fully equipped to support professionals and organisations in every way on your digitalisation journey. Whether it is to get inspired about the possibilities (e.g. strategy workshops) or to get ready to experiment with the latest digital technologies (e.g. Innovation Labs). If we start exploring and experimenting today, chances are high that we will look back in a few years and see 2020 as a Tipping point for the digitalisation of Procurement and Supply Chain Management.

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